BreadSoft Games Apps

Izborna Frka 1.2.1
Odaberite svog omiljenog političara i upustitese u do sad neviđenu avanturu. Iskoristite Vaše pravo glasa iigrajte se sa njima kao što to oni čine sa Vama. Sedam junakaSrpske političke scene spremno je da na Vaš dodir prsta pojuri zaglasovima koji život znače! Glasovi se sabiraju i predstavljajusvojevrsnu simulaciju Predsedničkih Izbora 2017 godine u Srbiji.Sve je anonimno i sama igrica ne zahteva nikakve podatke od Vas,tako da možete da se zabavljate do mile volje!Predsednički Izbori 2017 godine su u toku, izborite se za vaš izbori pri tome se zabavite!----------------------------Ključne reči: Srbija Izbori 2017, Predsednicki Izbori, PredsednikSrbije, glasanje , Vucic, Radulovic, Seselj, Jeremic, Beli, BoskoObradovic, Bosko, Jankovic, Sasa, izbori, RS, SRB, izbori, igrica,igra, glasoviChoose your favoritepoliticians and engage in an unprecedented adventure. Use yourright to vote and play with them as they make it with you. Sevenheroes Serbian political scene is ready to at your fingertips racedfor the votes that means life! The votes are added together andrepresent a kind of simulation of the presidential elections in2017 in Serbia. Everything is anonymous and the game itself doesnot require any information from you, so that you can have fun toyour heart's content!Presidential Elections 2017 are in progress, the elections are foryour choice and at the same time!----------------------------Key words: Serbian Elections 2017, Presidential Elections,President of Serbia, voting, Vucic, Radulovic, Seselj, Jeremic,White, Bosko Obradovic, Bosko Jankovic, Sasa, elections, RS, SRB,elections, game, play, votes
Hamburger Run 0.1
Can you make the perfect burger?
Block Mess
Best pixel puzzle you'll ever play!
City Crush 0.1
Destroy the city!
Cup Tilt 0.1
Tilt the cup - move your balls
Cup Tilt 0.1
Tilt the cup - move your balls